. . . and all through the clinic
Nothing was stirring,
Not even a toothpick.
The rooms were all clean
And tidied up with care,
In hopes that new patients
Soon would be there.
The hygienists’ tools were nestled,
All snug in their trays
Dreaming of smiling patients
Sitting under the light rays.
No cleanings to do,
No teeth to cap
The teams are all home,
For a long winter’s nap.
When out in the office,
There arose such a clatter,
The phone was ringing
With a serious matter.
Quick as a flash,
The dentist was woken
A patient in need,
A tooth was broken.
Then what to that patient’s eyes did appear
The dentist has come,
With all of the gear.
Wearing a smile
And an X-ray so quick,
Showing care and kindness,
It could have been St. Nick!
Keeping patients calm
And completing quick work,
Having a Smiles Dental dentist
Is quite a nice perk!
A wink of the eye,
A nod of the head,
Our patients know,
They have nothing to dread.
From the team in the front,
To the clinicians in the back,
One is always welcome,
Even with plaque.
The dentist waved under the Smiles Dental light,
‚Merry Christmas to all‚ may your smiles be bright!‚
From the time they get their first baby tooth, use these dental milestones to ensure your child grows up with a smile that’s healthy and strong.

Discover the Smiles Dental difference today!
Are you ready for the happy, healthy smile of your dreams? When you choose Smiles Dental Services, you’re putting your smile in the hands of highly-trained professionals you can trust. Above all, we provide our patients with leading-edge dentistry that goes above and beyond.