Did you know that your oral health can impact the quality of your sleep? Your dentist isn’t just helpful when it comes to helping you maintain your oral hygiene—but they’re also a valuable resource when it comes to realizing how much your oral health can impact your overall health.
That’s right: fatigue, dry mouth, and chronic snoring can all be addressed right in our office here at Smiles Dental.

What is Sleep Apnea?
If you are suffering from snoring, chronic fatigue, dry mouth, headaches, interrupted sleep, and gasping for air during sleep, you might have sleep apnea. The best way to determine if you do have sleep apnea is to participate in an at-home sleep test or have someone observe you while you sleep.
How Does Sleep Apnea Relate to Oral Health?
Just a simple mouthpiece can dramatically improve your sleep apnea symptoms. When you are able to experience a more restful sleep it works wonders for your overall health.
At Smiles Dental, we can provide you with a mandibular advancement device, which has metal hinges that can gently shift your jaw to induce proper airflow. For less severe cases of sleep apnea, we have a device that keeps your tongue in place, so that it doesn’t fall toward the back of your throat as you sleep and constrict your airways.
How Much Does Sleep Apnea Treatment Cost?
The price of sleep apnea therapy depends on the type of devices required to restore your airflow. Once we create a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs, we will provide you with an upfront cost estimate.
You’ll know beforehand exactly what you’re expected to pay. Right now, we’re offering a special Groupon offer for a sleep apnea kit, and we also offer a variety of flexible financing options so that you can choose the perfect payment plan that suits your budget and schedule.

Sleep Apnea Treatment at Smiles Dental
Don’t let interrupted sleep affect your health. If you think you are suffering from sleep apnea, be sure to contact us at Smiles Dental for a sleep apnea consultation today!

Discover the Smiles Dental difference today!
Are you ready for the happy, healthy smile of your dreams? When you choose Smiles Dental Services, you’re putting your smile in the hands of highly-trained professionals you can trust. Above all, we provide our patients with leading-edge dentistry that goes above and beyond.