Root Canal Therapy
What Is Root Canal Therapy?
Known commonly as a root canal, root canal therapy type of endodontic therapy is typically recommended if there is nerve damage or infection beyond the crown of a tooth. Endodontics refers to specialized treatments that affect the pulp (inside of the tooth) and the root tissue. This type of damage can occur if the tooth injury or tooth decay goes beyond the outer enamel layer of the tooth. When untreated, the infection can cause your tooth to die and then require the tooth to be extracted. A root canal can restore the health of the tooth by removing the infected/injured tissues in the tooth before the damage takes over it entirely and cannot be repaired. Once the unhealthy tissue is removed, we will clean the tooth, and then fill it with a medicated material. Once the material is placed, the tooth will then be capped and the restoration (like a dental crown) will be shaped to bring your tooth back to its original shape. Often, a root canal can be done in one to two office visits.
Gentle, Stress-Free Root Canals
Root canal treatment has a reputation for being a painful treatment. In reality, however, root canal treatment can often be completed with minimal discomfort thanks to advanced techniques, tools, and anesthesia. Our dentist, along with our entire dental team, works hard to provide you with a pleasant, comfortable experience each time you visit our office. We offer root canal therapy at all of our Washington and Oregon locations. We welcome you to contact us today to schedule your consultation. Our team is committed to restoring your smile’s health!