We’re going to make a safe guess and say that staying healthy is one of the main concerns on everyone’s minds right now. It makes sense! We should all be focused on ways we can protect ourselves, our family, and our community given the COVID-19 outbreak.

While it may not be your first thought when it comes to taking care of your health during this time, it is important to look after your dental wellness. This is especially true when your routine trip to the dentist may not be possible at the moment. Here are some ways to keep your teeth healthy.
Brush Twice & Floss Once Daily
It’s the go-to rule when it comes to at-home oral hygiene. You should be brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. The brushing may feel like second nature but remember not to skip out on the flossing so you can get rid of any food debris or bacteria hiding out between your teeth.
Keep Your Toothbrush Clean
Ideally, you should store your toothbrush somewhere away from the toilet so there’s no transferring of germs every time you flush (yucky to think about, we know!). When you’ve finished brushing your teeth, make sure to rinse it thoroughly with water. Then, you can let it air dry since, according to the CDC, covering them or storing them may lead to bacteria growth.
Get Emergency Dental Care if You Need It
If you’re keeping up with your oral hygiene at home, you hopefully won’t have to deal with any kind of dental emergency. But there are some cases where no matter how much you take care of your smile, something urgent comes up like an unexpected mouth injury when biting down on something too hard.
Emergency Care Available
Smiles Dental may not be operating under its regular hours at the moment given the current situation, but we are still here for same-day emergency treatment. Despite everything that’s going on the world, a dental emergency is still an emergency, and we can help you get back to good health ASAP.
If you’re in the Pacific Northwest and have an urgent dental concern, please call Smiles Dental at 888-552-6957! Otherwise, our friendly team looks forward to welcoming you and your family to our practice when the time is right.

Discover the Smiles Dental difference today!
Are you ready for the happy, healthy smile of your dreams? When you choose Smiles Dental Services, you’re putting your smile in the hands of highly-trained professionals you can trust. Above all, we provide our patients with leading-edge dentistry that goes above and beyond.